Bauernhof Monegger

Reisach 19, 9633 Reisach 46.650106155995,13.151322769861 Telefonnummer: +43 670 3062060 Google Karte zeigen

We are locatet in the south-west of Carinthia (Austria) and the name of the village is Reisach. Our house is in a really quiet, sunny area and you will have an incredible view through the whole valley with many mountains an beautiful places. Our House ist perfect for families with children, because we are a 4 Flower certified Farm (brand: Urlaub am Bauernhof) an we have a lot of spectacular offers for you. (Horse riding, stabel work, field work, tractor drivin, mountain tours,...) (all these offers are for free) For the children is our farm spectacular because we have many different animals like horese, cows, calves, pigs, duks, cats, habbits, goats, and chicken. So the holidays are an adventure for adults and kids. We rent 2 apartments. (5 persons each flat) Each Flat has a full equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a bathroome, a livingroom and one/two balconies with a wonderful view through the whole valley and the mountains. We have also free WiFi in the whole house for you. Garden (playground for hte kids), grill-area, relaxing-garden-house, vegetables garden, products from our farm (Eggs, Milk...) ,... Summer: We are locatet in one of the most beautiful areas in Auatria. We have mountains, alpine pasture (alp) ,rivers, lakes,... So in the summer you can make mountain-tours, biking-tours, swimming, hiking, relaxing..., Our region is also known as a "Genuss Region". So we have many culinary Specialties like cheese, bacon and other fantastic, tradicional food. Winter: The biggest ski area in carinthia (Nasseld) is only 7 km away from our house. There is also a free ski-bus from our village Reisach to the ski area Nassfeld. (10 Minutes with the bus) In our house, we have a free heated room for your ski equipment. But in our region you can not just skiing. There are also possibilities for tobogganing, snow hiking, cross-country skiing,... So it would be great to welcome you at our house/farm ,to show you the many possibilities in our region and to make you vacation perfect. Fam. Lenzhofer

Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.
Entfernung von:
  • Nächste Skipiste: 12000m
  • Lebensmittelladen: 2900m
  • Bar: 210m
  • Fluss: 800m
  • See: 25300m
  • Dorfzentrum: 200m
  • Restaurant: 210m
  • Hauptskigebiet: 12000m
Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.

Verfügbarkeit bei Bauernhof Monegger

3-raum appartement 5 personen
80 m2 WiFi MAX 5 2 Schlafzimmer und 1 Bad 4 Betten + 1 Extrabett
apartment/2 bedrooms/shower, WC
CD Player
ausgestattete Küche
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC
separate Küche
Wohnbereich mit Esstisch
separates Wohnzimmer und Schlafzimmer
WLAN Internet
3-raum appartement 5 personen
60 m2 WiFi MAX 5 2 Schlafzimmer und 1 Bad 4 Betten + 1 Extrabett
apartment/2 bedrooms/shower, WC
CD Player
ausgestattete Küche
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC
separate Küche
Wohnbereich mit Esstisch
separates Wohnzimmer und Schlafzimmer
WLAN Internet

Ausstattung von: Bauernhof Monegger

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten
  • Minigolf
  • Bowling
  • Golf Partnerhotel
  • Tischtennis
  • Tennishalle
  • Lebensmittel
  • Diätküche
  • Für Kinderen
  • Kinderbetreuung
  • Kinderbett
  • Spielzimmer
  • Kinderspielplatz
  • Kinderstuhl
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Internet
  • WiFi Internetzugang
  • Outdoors
  • Sonnenterrasse
  • Privatstrand
  • Grill
  • Hotelgarten
  • Parkplatz
  • Parkplätze
  • Restaurants & Bars
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Zusätzliche Dienste
  • Flughafen, Bahnhof Transport
  • Safe an der Rezeption
  • Dienstleistungen Sommer
  • Fahrradverleih
  • Wandern
  • canoeing
  • windsurfing
  • Ski
  • Skiraum
  • Sonderpreis für Skipass
  • Wellness & SPA
  • Hammam
  • Hallenbad
  • Solarium
  • Beauty Center
  • Sauna
  • Dampfbad
  • Freibad
  • Ruheraum
  • Landkarte von: Bauernhof Monegger
