TaNte FriDa

Hochkönigstraße 31, 5761 Maria Alm 47.4035509,12.9027269 Telefonnummer: +43 670 3062060 Google Karte zeigen

Under the motto "You can also be an adult at home", the crazy house and family hotel EdeR FriDa offers a colourful world of experiences, many favourite places, surprises, extraordinary design refinements, interactive experiences as well as cosy retreats and quiet zones for real relaxation against the dreamlike backdrop of the Steinernes Meer. The wonderful world of EdeR FriDa Hotel EdeR FriDa is a tribute to all children, young and old. With a colourful world of experiences inside and out, an open house is created with plenty of space for imagination, lively togetherness, genuine encounters and for the inspiring feeling that anything is possible. Children are taken seriously here with playfulness and adulthood is also allowed to take a holiday once in a while. That's why EdeR FriDa House is not a family hotel in the classic sense, but a fabulously crazy house with lots of favourite places, surprises, unusual design refinements and interactive experiences. At the same time, there are retreats and quiet zones to find real relaxation alongside the active moments. You can find our conditions at AGB — Verrücktes Haus und Familienhotel in Maria Alm (ederfrida.com)

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Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.

Verfügbarkeit bei TaNte FriDa

Twin room, bath, toilet
32 m2 MAX 2 1 Schlafzimmer 1 Bett + 1 Extrabett
Separates WC
Familienzimmer 4 personen - balkon
40 m2 MAX 4 2 Schlafzimmer 1 Bett + 3 Extrabetten
Family room, bath, toilet, 1 bed room
Separates WC

Ausstattung von: TaNte FriDa

Zusätzliche Aktivitäten
  • Bowling
  • Basketball
  • Fitness
  • Billard
  • Lebensmittel
  • Abendessenbuffet
  • Frühstücksbuffet
  • Mittagessenbuffet
  • Für Kinderen
  • Kinderbetreuung
  • Kindermenü
  • Animation für Kinder
  • Kinderbett
  • Kinderstuhl
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Restaurants & Bars
  • Nachmittagssnack
  • Wellness & SPA
  • Massage
  • Hallenbad
  • Aromadampfbad
  • Beauty Center
  • Sauna
  • Landkarte von: TaNte FriDa
